DEFLEX Flexible Delineator Posts
The flexible delineator Posts are designed to mark lanes and direct traffic clearly, day or night.
Showing 1–9 of 11 results
Bike Lane – DEFLEX 48ʺ Flexible Bike Lane Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible bike lane delineator and bollard channelizes riders, resists impact and offers higher safety than other delineators.
Product pageDEFLEX Delineator Post for Lane Markings
The DEFLEX delineator post for lane markings resists multiple impacts and signals clear limits to driving lanes. Flexible & visible, it helps reduce speed.
Product pageLane Divider – DEFLEX 48ʺ Lane Divider Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible delineator post for traffic calming effectively blocks and diverts traffic. It is visible and resistant to impact.
Product pageDEFLEX 48ʺ Flexible Roadwork Delineator
The DEFLEX B-TRV-10 flexible delineator for road work is designed to channel traffic in work zones, thanks to its optimized reflectors.
Product pageDEFLEX Flexible Channelizer Delineator for Work Zones
DEFLEX flexible delineator channelizer for work zones guides drivers where driving space is limited. Its high visibility helps reduce speed.
Product pageDEFLEX Flexible Parking Lot Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible parking lot delineator accentuates space marking and reduces accidents in parking lots or identification terminals.
Product pageWork Area – DEFLEX 48ʺ Retractable Belt Delineator
The DEFLEX crowd control delineator shows the way and blocks access to specific areas during events, thanks to its retractable band.
Product pageCrowd Control – DEFLEX 48 Waiting Line Delineator
DEFLEX waiting line channelizing delineator helps guide queues, with its separator device, reflective bands and security chain.
Product pageDEFLEX Flexible Bollard and Decorative Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible bollard and decorative delineator is used for marking and separating road lanes 360 degrees and is resistant to impact.
Product pageDECOFLEX Flexible Decorative Bollard
The DecoFlex flexible decorative bollard for speed reduction is safer than a rigid bollard as it is flexible. Visible day and night.
Product pageDEFLEXSIGN Delineator and Signpost
The DEFLEXSIGN delineator and signpost with reflective cover is visible and attracts the drivers’ attention. Smart looking and efficient.
Product page