Crossing the street is becoming more and more dangerous. In North America, the number of pedestrians and cyclists killed in a road vehicle impact has increased by 40% since 2008. If cities want to fulfill their promises to eliminate fatal accidents within 10, 20 or 30 years, as the case may be, that seems to be one of the most pressing issues to be addressed.
Traffic Innovation has developed different types of turn signals and activation systems specifically designed to improve the safety of pedestrian crossings.
Products for Crosswalks
STP-LUX / Smart Crosswalk Lighting System
The STP-LUX crosswalk lighting system allows to better mark and secure pedestrian crossings by making them visible in the dark.
Product pageSmart-Flash Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB)
Our Model L rectangular rapid flash beacon (RRFB) effectively warns drivers when they need to slow down as they approach a crosswalk.
Product pagePrivate: Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon – Model S
The Model S Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) is a road sign that improves safety in a pedestrian area, an effective asset for slowing traffic.
Product pageP-270 LED Road Sign for Pedestrian and School Crosswalks
Our P-270 LED road sign for pedestrian and school crosswalks influences drivers to slow down when approaching crosswalks, making for safer crossing paths.
Product pageThin-8DFBS Thin Dual Flashing Beacon Sign
The 8" smart dual flashing beacon sign flashes alternately to attract the drivers’ attention and reinforce a message to help prevent accidents.
Product pageThin-8FB 8ʺ Thin Amber Flashing Beacon
The 8" smart flashing beacon is an electronic LED sign made to reinforce signaling in critical areas, such as school zones and crosswalks.
Product pageThin-8DFB 8″ Thin Dual Flashing Beacon
With its high intensity LEDs, the 8" smart dual flashing beacon for school zone provides a clear indication of zone change and enhances security.
Product pageThin LED Stop Sign
Our luminous LED stop sign is advantageous in terms of quality and visibility. The bright outline of the stop sign encourages drivers to stop.
Product pageLane Divider – DEFLEX 48ʺ Lane Divider Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible delineator post for traffic calming effectively blocks and diverts traffic. It is visible and resistant to impact.
Product pageBOPS-MC 5.5″ Deco Steel Bollard
The SPBO-MC protective safety steel bollard is a ductile and esthetically-pleasing protrusion bollard for channeling and protecting road users.
Product pageDECOFLEX Flexible Decorative Bollard
The DecoFlex flexible decorative bollard for speed reduction is safer than a rigid bollard as it is flexible. Visible day and night.
Product pageDEFLEX Flexible Bollard and Decorative Delineator
The DEFLEX flexible bollard and decorative delineator is used for marking and separating road lanes 360 degrees and is resistant to impact.
Product pageDEFLEXSIGN Delineator and Signpost
The DEFLEXSIGN delineator and signpost with reflective cover is visible and attracts the drivers’ attention. Smart looking and efficient.
Product pageZoneguard Flexible Traffic Panel
The Zoneguard flexible traffic panel is a road beacon designed for speed reduction and critical signage. Its flexibility makes it impact-resistant.
Product page