Work Zone
In the past 20 years, research and development at Traffic Innovation has been oriented towards VISION ZERO.
Knowing that road workers are at risk every day, our goal is to develop roadwork tools that provide a safe environment to both workers and road users.

Products for Work Zone

DEFLEX 48ʺ Flexible Roadwork Delineator
The DEFLEX B-TRV-10 flexible delineator for road work is designed to channel traffic in work zones, thanks to its optimized reflectors.
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DEFLEX Flexible Channelizer Delineator for Work Zones
DEFLEX flexible delineator channelizer for work zones guides drivers where driving space is limited. Its high visibility helps reduce speed.
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Thin-12 Radar Speed Feedback Sign
Our THIN-12 radar driver feedback sign is the first of its kind. Lightweight and visible, its thin design makes it easy to install.
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THIN-DOLLY 12C Portable Compact Radar Speed Feedback Sign
The THIN-DOLLY Portable Speed Display with wheels, batteries and an ultra-slim THIN-12 is designed to slow down traffic. Easy to use and program.
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Thin-8FB 8ʺ Thin Amber Flashing Beacon
The 8" smart flashing beacon is an electronic LED sign made to reinforce signaling in critical areas, such as school zones and crosswalks.
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Smart-Flash Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB)
Our Model L rectangular rapid flash beacon (RRFB) effectively warns drivers when they need to slow down as they approach a crosswalk.
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Private: Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon – Model S
The Model S Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) is a road sign that improves safety in a pedestrian area, an effective asset for slowing traffic.
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Thin LED Stop Sign
Our luminous LED stop sign is advantageous in terms of quality and visibility. The bright outline of the stop sign encourages drivers to stop.
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Kamelion SSA-3 Portable Radar Speed Feedback and Message Sign
The KAM SSA-3 portable speed display is a powerful, quick-to-deploy tool that influences driver behavior positively and enhances security.
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Kamelion VSLS Variable Speed Limit Sign
Our Kamelion PLVV speed display sign can easily be programmed to display speed limits on a schedule (daily, weekly, annually).
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RSSA Trailer for Kamelion SSA-3 Portable
Built for the Kam SSA-3C portable speed display, the RSSA Trailer is designed to relocate the speed display using most vehicles.
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P-270 LED Road Sign for Pedestrian and School Crosswalks
Our P-270 LED road sign for pedestrian and school crosswalks influences drivers to slow down when approaching crosswalks, making for safer crossing paths.
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